Home Possible® Income and Property Eligibility Tool
Use this tool to verify if a borrower can qualify for a Freddie Mac Home Possible® mortgage based on the property location and the borrowers' qualifying income. For best results, enter the complete property street address.
How to Read Your Results
Enter a street address to obtain the most accurate results. A pop-up window will appear with the following information:
- FIPS Code – Uniquely identifies the census tract.
- Home Possible Income Limit – For the specific census tract, this is the maximum borrower income allowed to qualify for Home Possible.
- Borrowers whose qualifying income is less than or equal to 50% of county area median income may qualify for a Very Low Income Loan. Borrowers whose qualifying income is greater than 50% and is less than or equal to 80% of county area median income may qualify for a Low Income Loan.
- Rural Tracts based on FHFA’s definition of a “rural area” as part of their Duty to Serve regulation. FHFA further designates as subset of these rural areas as “high needs”, identified here as High Needs Rural Tracts. For more information click here(Opens a new window).
- High Cost Areas based on the counties FHFA designated as such for the purpose of adjusting the conforming loan limits above the baseline. For more information click here(Opens a new window).
- Visit DPA One® to explore down payment assistance options for your borrowers.
Qualification Disclaimer – This tool is intended to help provide guidance as to qualifications for Home Possible® mortgages and other programs. Final eligibility is determined within Loan Product Advisor® or via approved manual underwriting.
In the sample scenario, the user entered "1551 Park Run Drive, McLean, VA 22102" in the search field which produced the following result:
- "Home Possible Qualifying Income Limit" is the same as "80% Area Median Income". This means that the borrower's income cannot exceed 80% of the AMI when qualifying for a Home Possible mortgage for properties within this census tract.